Swift application to find Nearby Places

The projects main objective was to find nearby places based on address and type of places passed as parameter to the application. The application uses MKLocalSearch API from the MapKit framework to find the type of places within the radius provided. The app is called from the terminal with parameters and it returns 10 results.

Building PuTTY for MacOS

The goal was to build PuTTY application for the MacOS platform. PuTTY is an SSH client which was built primarily for the Windows platform. Vidhvathamah built the application for MacOS by building PuTTY from source using the GTK library. This is for a modified version of PuTTY being called from a service for certain automation.

Screen Capture based on System Events

The client wanted to develop an application to capture screenshot on every keyboard or mouse click events. The requirement was that the screenshot can be for a particular application’s window or the entire screen, based on parameters provided by another application. The application was written in C++ and uses QuatrzDisplayService API to capture images and QuatrzEventService API to capture the events. Boost library was used to handle multi-threading and log4cxx library was used for logging.

Access Management Application for Ubuntu

A daemon service was developed which does the elevation of the application. The service would get the list of applications for the logged in user from the server and launch the applications at the requested time. The service was written in C++ using the Boost library. Boost library was used to implement multi-threading and asynchronous timers for the service.