Defect Detection System

A Computer Vision-based defect detection system that identifies defects in metal pipes. The software uses the OpenCV library and was developed in C++ for a client to incorporate automated NDT(Non-Destructive Testing) into their manufacturing process.

POS Transaction Application

The project goal was to write an application to make financial transactions using a POS device. The application was written in C using the API provided by the POS manufacturer. The transactions were encrypted using custom encryption algorithm based on the SHA256 hashing algorithm. The application allows a customer to swipe his/her card and receive the amount entered into the device. The application used an active backend which was written in PHP using the Laravel framework.

OS updater for BeagleBone Black

Vidhvathamah wrote a shell script to update the OS on the BeagleBone Black. The script which is run as a cron job every day will search for newer version of the Debian OS that is installed on the server and download and install it on the device. The script would install the new version and keep the old version as backup in case there is an issue with the newer version.